P i n k • F e m i n i s t: Sheryl Crow???

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Sheryl Crow???

Well, I was expecting a subdued Requiem, or something more appropriate to the Mother of God thing! Even a Hallelujah Chorus or two!

Your Theme Song is Soak Up The Sun by Sheryl Crow

"I've got no one to blame
For every time I feel lame
I'm looking up"

You're laid back, optimistic, and very together
Like the sun, people feel warm and comfortable around you
What's Your Theme Song?

i am some song by ac/dc. huh. i took the 'what kind of pie are you quiz' and i am a cream pie. :)
I got the ac/dc song too. This thing is rigged!
hmmm, obviously not enough choices....well, as my friend Buddha always says, you get what you pay for...
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